Title: Aloha Scooby Doo 2005
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Mystery
Country: USA
Region: Hollywood movies
Duration: 1 h 14 min
Language: EN
Language: EN
Year: 2005
Format: mp4
Quality: 720p
Size: 600 MB
Format: mp4
Quality: 720p
Size: 600 MB
Storyline: When Daphne is given the opportunity to design clothes for a company in Hawaii, the entire gang travels along with her. As they are leaving for their destination a man warns them that there are evil spirits on the island but the gang is doubtful. When they arrive in Hanahuna they are excited to watch the Big Kahuna of Hanahuna Surfing Contest which Manu Tuiama (a local) had won previously. Because the Mayor of the area welcomed everyone including mainlanders to the Surfing Contest they Tiki spirit was angered. The gang and everyone still in the area are threatened by little Tiki demons and the much bigger Wiki Tiki.
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